I love thrifting. I really honestly do.
I love the process of combing through racks and racks of musty clothes. I love being surprised by finding something amazing. I love the fact that you can find things you can't find in normal stores. And that you'll never be in the position of wearing the same thing as somebody else (commonly known as, I bought this shirt at Forever 21 the other day...)
And more than all of that, I love getting hauls of clothing without making my wallet sob sad little wallet tears.
However.. there are just some things I cannot thrift. No matter how many starved wallet tears are cried, I just can't.
Things such as lingerie, hosiery, swimwear, coats and, in this specific case, shoes... I just can't.
Getting these things secondhand don't register in my comfort zone.
These are usually the things I have to turn to actual malls and stores for (and the things that make my wallet silently whisper curse words to me at night).
Anyways, I promise all this rambling is leading somewhere.
So I was sitting in class today, totally completely engrossed in completing my essay, when I suddenly landed upon Zara's online store... How did that happen?!
Needless to say, I ended up using the rest of my period going through shoes...
(I'm weak.. very very weak.)
So here is a post basically explaining why although I don't really NEED a summer job... I NEED a summer job.
Shoes that I'm fairly infatuated with. My favourite are the glass heels I posted at the top. They're gorgeoouusss. Ensue drooling.
I also saw this jacket at Zara the other day. OH RIGHT, that's why I was on the website. I fell in love with it immediately. It's the leather sleeves, definitely the leather sleeves.
But winter's done and it'll be summer soon so I don't see a point in getting a coat.... Sob.
This jacket was pretty cute too. But definitely no need for it now.
I've also been thinking about clothes I want to make for the summer (several skirts, tank tops, bustier crop tops, etc) but I already have a million things I still need to finish tailoring.
I think more than shoes right now, I really want a sewing machine. It's such a hassle going to school for all of my sewing needs. It's inconvenient and time consuming.
So I'm pretty sure the moral of this story (post) is that I really need to start summer job hunting RIGHT now.